Microcement Sanding

The Importance of Sanding in the Application of Microcement

Sanding the microcement is one of the most important steps, and we are going to dedicate this blog post to it. Although all the steps in the application of the microcement are important, one of the most important is the sanding of each one of the layers of microcement that we apply. From tile grouting, if any, to base and finish coats.

The first thing is the selection of sandpaper. Good quality sandpaper is important for two reasons:

  1. so that they do not color the microcement, especially if it is light in color
  2. So that they can outline the fairly hard surface of the material

For this, at CimentStudio we have the best ones that assure us that the work is perfect, since the final finish depends to a greater or lesser extent on the sandpaper used.

Then you will have to select the grain to use in each of the layers. The greater the granulometry of the microcement used, the lower the grain of the sandpaper will have to be. For a base, we usually use a 40 grain and for layers of fine microcement, we go to a 220 sandpaper. In the end, the sandpaper must be adapted to the support material and the user. In addition, it will be necessary to take into account if an orbital machine is used or it is going to be done manually. The grain will vary from one shape to another.

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Sanding Procedure

The sanding of the microcement is a process that must be done very controlled, since if it is sanded more than necessary, we will reach the previous layer. The minimum thickness of the layers must always be kept in mind, therefore, it is necessary to sand so that only the abrasion reaches a superficial level.

The procedure is usually in circles, seeing and touching with the other hand where the irregularities would be and passing the sandpaper through them until they are minimized.

Another factor to take into account is humidity. Sanding should always be done when the layers are completely dry. If this advice is not followed, what we will achieve is to damage the surface.

Other Considerations in Sanding

We must not forget that the trowel application of each layer is also very important for sanding. This means that if we leave the layers with many irregularities, these will have to be removed with sanding. So a correct application will avoid us spending more time sanding and removing imperfections from the microcement layer.

After sanding you should always use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust that has remained on the floor or wall and continue with the steps without any problem. This will prevent dust from remaining between layers, which can cause adhesion problems.

In the microcement applications of CimentStudio we stop the necessary time so that it is perfectly. As professionals, we strive to achieve the best of finishes by putting our experience in value in each of the details. Visit us on our CimentStudio website to learn more about us.

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