Importance of Light in Microcement

Microcement lighting

MICROCEMENT LIGHTING – As microcement applicators we find ourselves in situations that help us understand the sensations of our clients. One of them is the difference in perception of colors. Everyone sees the tones differently, and the combinations can end up being complicated.

Dark colors are often chosen for a microcement application, seeking their contrast with light surfaces. But on other occasions, light colors are sought that continue with tones similar to those that already exist. In both situations we can find ourselves in trouble, since the reflection in the microcement will be different from that which occurs in ceramics or other surfaces that exist nearby.

escalera microcemento


In most cases, the feeling once the microcement is applied is that it is darker than what is seen in the sample. As mentioned above, if the sample has been tried to match the color of a tile, it is very possible that once applied, it will give us the feeling that the microcement is darker.

There are two possible solutions that we usually give our clients. The first of them is to choose a lighter tone than the one you are looking for, if it is the case that it is in contact with a surface of that same color. This solution is applicable for those areas with sufficient lighting.

Increase Lighting

The other possible solution to achieve the tone we envision is to improve the lighting. Faced with the challenge of improving the lighting of a room in order to better highlight the color of the microcement, we must decide the type of light. It can be warm or cold light, and depending on the color that has been chosen for the microcement there will be an ideal color to highlight all its naturalness.

The other factor that will have to be decided is the amount of lighting to install. Obviously this will depend on the room in which you are working, but from our experience, the greater the light, the greater the beauty of the microcement surface.

At CimentStudio we are specialists in microcement and we will advise you on the best solution for the renovation of your home. Visit our CimentStudio website to see all the options you have at your fingertips.

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